01. |
These rules and regulations have been framed for the furtherance of the aims and objects mentioned in the memorandum to which these are appended and these shall be called “The Bal Bhavan Society, Bangalore”. |
02. |
Definition :- In these rules unless the context otherwise requires: |
(a) |
The Society means “The Bal Bhavan Society”, Bangalore”. |
(b) |
“Rules” means “the rules and regulations of the Bal Bhavan Society, Bangalore”. |
(c) |
Managing Committes means the body of the society to which the administration of the society is entrusted. |
(d) |
Member means a person nominated by the Govt of Karnataka and shall hold membership for such a period as shall be specified by the Government. |
(e) |
The members of the Managing Committee means any member duly nominated by the Government of Karnataka. |
(f) |
Year means, the year beginning from 1st April and ending on 31st March. |
03. |
The Society shall be an advisory-cum-Executive |
04. |
Composition: The society shall consist of official and non-official members who shall be nominated by the Govt of Karnataka. |
05. |
Membership: |
(a) |
Eligibility : Any person official or non-official member who shall be nominated by Government of Karnataka. |
(b) |
The members being nominated by Govt, the admission and subscription fee is prescribed. |
06. |
Cessation : A membership and all rights and privillages shall be deemed to cease by resignation of the member, addressed to the Govt of Karnataka in the social Welfare Dept and the resignation shall take effect from the date of its acceptance by the Government. |
07. |
All the members eligible to vote shall constitute a general body. There shall be annual general body meeting and shall be called every year within a period of months from the date fixed for the closing of the accounts. The special general body meeting may be called by the Managing Committee at any time required for the business of the society as per section 112(3) of the Karnataka societies Registration Act 1960. |
08. |
NOTICE : A notice of atleast 10 days shall be given to all the members incase of General body meeting the date, time, piece of meeting and the agence of the subjects to be discussed shall be mentioned in such meeting. The proceedings of any general body meeting shall be invalid only for the reason that the notice has not been received by any member. |
09. |
Querum: 1/3 of the total number of the members. |
10. |
The proceedings of the General Body meeting shall be recorded in a minute book kept for the purpose by the Secretary and signed by the president of the meeting. |
11. |
Managing Committee: The Managing Committee shall consist of seven members as |
01. Chairman
02. Vice-Chairman 03. Secretary 04. Members 05. Members 06. Members 07. Members
Shall be persons nominated by the Government of Karnataka. The duration of the Managing Committee shall hold for 3 years or such period as may be specified by the Government of Karnataka.
12. |
The members of the managing committee shall be paid such sitting fee for attending its meetings as may be fixed by the Government of Karnataka. |
Powers of the Managing Committee: |
(a) |
To prepare and execute detailed plans and programmes and carry on day-today administration of the Society. |
(b) |
To look after and manage the properties of the society and to incur expenditure requires for that society. |
(c) |
To receive grants and contributions and to have custody of the funds relating to the scheme. |
(d) |
To prepare the budget estimated of the society for each year and to sanction the expenditure within the limit of the budget as approved by the State Government. |
(e) |
To perform such other functions and to carry-out such function from time to time as are assigned by the Govt of Karnataka. |
(f) |
To pay all expenses, preliminary or incidental to the formation and resignation of the society and for its administration from the funds placed at its disposal. |
(g) |
To meet the expenses of the society out of the funds to but equipments, pay salaries and meet such other expenditure as may be required to maintain the Bal Bhavan. |
(h) |
To construct buildings, undertake repairs etc. to the Bal Bhavan Buildings equipments and other properties. |
(i) |
To constitute such committee of committees as deemed necessary for the disposal of any business of the society and for rendering advise in any matter pertaining to the society. |
14. |
Meeting: |
01. |
The society shall ordinarily meet once in every year. The Manager Committee shall meet every month or as often as required to transact business relating to the Society. |
02. |
A special meeting of the Society or the Managing Committee may be called any time by the Chairman either on his own initiative or on the request of not less than 1/3rd of the members. |
03. |
Notices of meetings shall be sent to all the members of the society 7 days in advance unless in case of emergent meetings. |
04. |
All matters shall be decided by a simple majority of votes and in the event of a tie, the Chairman will have the casting vote. |
15. |
Quorum: The Quorum for the Society shall be 1/5th of the members of the Society and that in the Managing Committee, 1/3rd of the members, inclusive of the Chairman. |
16. |
Functions and powers of the Chairman |
01. |
The Chairman shall ex-ercise general administrative control over the successful administration of the Society’s affairs through the Secretary of the Bal Bhavan Society. |
02. |
He shall convene the General Body and Managing Committee meetings as provided in the rules regulations and preside over the said meetings. |
03. |
Have the power to sanction expenditure not exceeding Rs. 1000/- in emergent cases and place the same before the Managing Committee at its next meeting for approval. |
17. |
Functions and powers of vice-chairman
The chairman of the Committee shall delegate all or any of the powers exercisable by himself to the vice-chairman of the society.
The vice-chairman may preside over the Society meetings in the absence of the Chairman. |
18. |
Functions and powers of the Secretary
The Secretary shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Committee and |
01. |
shall implement the programmes of the Society through its officers and staff and discharge such duties as may be assigned to him by the Committee; |
02. |
shall enter into such agreements on behalf of the Committee as may be directed by it; |
03. |
shall ensure the proper unkeep and maintenance of the property and equipment. |
04. |
shall convene meetings of the Committee as may be directed by the Chairman and maintain minutes of the proceedings after obtaining approval of the Chairman. |
05. |
shall maintain such records and registers as may be directed by the Committee in addition to the normal records of his office ; |
06. |
shall present the annual report on the work and activities of the Committee together with the audited statement of receipts and expenditure at the annual meeting after obtaining approval of the Chairman. |
07. |
Filing of accounts: On or before the 14th day succeeding the day on which the General Body meeting is held they shall be filled with the registrar of the societies the list of members of the coverning body with a copy of the proceedings of the said General body meeting by the Secretary. |
19. |
Employees: The Society shall employ on deputation basic such officers and staff as shall be deputed by the State Government. |